Whether you believe in something like a 'life purpose' or not, I reckon you could do worse than contemplate your life in the view of these 25 questions. Not that I've quite got round to it yet.
This is the point where I should go off into a rant about how 'finding/discovering yourself' is an evil lie, and actually what we are doing, all the time, is constructing ourselves, mostly through our choices of which problems to attack... but I'm going to stop there.
(Lifted from http://www.prolificliving.com/blog/2012/07/24/how-to-find-your-life-purpose/ via shirley's twitter account)
1. What fulfills me?
2. What drives me?
3. What inspires me?
4. What do 1-2-3 have in common?
5. What problem can I solve for others with the common thread in 4?
6. What frustrates me?
7. What pains me?
8. What saddens me?
9. What do 6-7-8 have in common?
10. What problem can I solve for others with the common thread in 9?
11. What terrifies me?
12. What worries me?
13. What can I do to change 11-12?
14. What can I do with this change to help others?
15. What do I love doing?
16. How do I feel when I am doing 15?
17. What happens if I stop doing 15?
18. What happens if I kept doing 15 forever?
19. What do I resent doing?
20. How do I feel when I am doing 19?
21. What happens if I stop doing 19?
22. What happens if I kept doing 19 forever?
23. Why am I here?
24. What am I here to do?
25. What would the world miss if I weren’t here and if I didn’t do it?
This is the point where I should go off into a rant about how 'finding/discovering yourself' is an evil lie, and actually what we are doing, all the time, is constructing ourselves, mostly through our choices of which problems to attack... but I'm going to stop there.
(Lifted from http://www.prolificliving.com/blog/2012/07/24/how-to-find-your-life-purpose/ via shirley's twitter account)
1. What fulfills me?
2. What drives me?
3. What inspires me?
4. What do 1-2-3 have in common?
5. What problem can I solve for others with the common thread in 4?
6. What frustrates me?
7. What pains me?
8. What saddens me?
9. What do 6-7-8 have in common?
10. What problem can I solve for others with the common thread in 9?
11. What terrifies me?
12. What worries me?
13. What can I do to change 11-12?
14. What can I do with this change to help others?
15. What do I love doing?
16. How do I feel when I am doing 15?
17. What happens if I stop doing 15?
18. What happens if I kept doing 15 forever?
19. What do I resent doing?
20. How do I feel when I am doing 19?
21. What happens if I stop doing 19?
22. What happens if I kept doing 19 forever?
23. Why am I here?
24. What am I here to do?
25. What would the world miss if I weren’t here and if I didn’t do it?