Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My flat. Virtually

As I may have mentioned (really?) I've just become a homeowner for the first time. This virtual model is a little project I started off before I'd moved in, to check out how the sofa would fit, work out whether I really wanted to change the lighting in the hall, etc. Now I've moved in, I guess it may still come in useful. Maybe.

It's not exactly TV quality video, and it'll flash by awful quick - sorry about that. But if I fiddle with it any more I'll never post it, and I have more important things to do (like clean the damn place), so consider this a first draft which I'll fix up eventually. Of course, the real view out the window is nowhere near as nice... but hey, in this version, I can make the view exactly what I damn well please. So I made it nice.

The actual model is very basic - I scanned in the floor plan and extruded it. Dead easy. The thing that takes the time is getting the lighting right.


XXXX YYYY said...

Congrats on your new place, Matt! Thanks for the walk-through!

Lloyd . said...

Wow! when do the sims move in? :)

J C said...

That's pretty cool. Congrats on the new house.

charl * said...

Well done. I hope you experience many wonderful memories here.

charl * said...

Well done. I hope you experience many wonderful memories here.

TARA W said...

Hehe...The Sims...Good times..

Anyway, it was a great video, Matt! I like the bathroom, the tub and the toilet have a wall between them. I like that.

It's a really nice place! Have fun cleaning it up and furnishing!

XXXX YYYY said...

Obligatory nerd question: What app did you use to do the simulation?

Matt F said...

3D Studio Max. I'm still a complete neophyte - I was halfway through doing this when I discovered it has a tutorial specifically for architectural walkthroughs. Guess I'll have to read that before I do the next one ;)

Actually, modelling in 3DS is a pig so I did the actual model in Rhinoceros, then exported it to 3DS to do the lighting and the materials. It could really do with me spending another full day or so on it, but I don't have time for that now. I want to change the lighting in the (real) hallway, so the next version will be a night-time one with all the lights done properly, rather than relying on sunlight.

Glad y'all liked it, anyway. Next time I'll make it smaller and slower!

k_sra sra said...

Wow. Your flat is floating over the mountains? How Swank are you?

Paul ◘ said...

On the floor from the entry left .... is that a duct register or black tile where the fireplace is? Is the grey marble a mantle, or a sideboard? You could have a spinnaker-style shower curtain in the bath -- that would be cool. You've covered the den elsewhere, eh?

Congratulations on the purchase. Best wishes for many happy days!!

Matt F said...

The grey marble is a... hang on, what grey marble. Wait a sec... oh, no, I know, sorry. It's the dining table. It's supposed to be glass, but I was in a hurry. And the tiles are a fireplace, which have come out very dark indeed.

I'll post a new video in a sec, but it's 9Meg and it'll be basically the same (a few different materials, and slower) so I won't put y'all through it again. Thanks everybody for your good wishes!

Tom Kimber said...

This is great - I remember doing something similar when I bought my first flat (It's being sold now) only I did it in a Quake editor - which was great, except for the haunting sound effects and bone flinging zombies in the communal gardens.

Matt F said...

Yeah, flippin' zombies, hanging around the washing line. Haven't you got tombs to go to? Man's gotta sleep, y'know.