Friday, July 21, 2006

Another boring medical update

For the sake of completeness, more than anything: Had another meeting
with my consultant yesterday (God bless the NHS). His theory is that
I'm still feeling run-down because of the Azathioprine. Apparently,
'flu-like symptoms', as well as being meningitis, depression, flu,
incipient alcoholism, flu, and pretty much anything else you can name,
are also a common side-effect of the Az. Personally, I hadn't made the
connection with 'flu-like' - I'd just figured I felt run down and a bit
woozy, although I guess I was getting the occasional hot flush thing as
well. Anyway, I'm not taking the Az for a few days to see what happens.
Apparently there's an alternative pill which can avoid this problem, so
we'll see what happens.

In the meantime, it sounds like I'll be off work for another week. That should be great but is actually very boring.

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