Friday, September 15, 2006

Idea for a fringe show

(Note for non-Scottish people: the Edinburgh Fringe is a big festival of performance arts,
mostly - but not restricted to - comedy)

Having watched two handymen at work take half an hour to change a lightbulb, I'm figuring it would be perfectly possible to stage an hour-long show which would consist entirely of
stagehands fiddling with things. With the right sort of long-drawn-out comic
effect, I think it could work.

So far (i.e. in about two minutes), I've only got the second half of the show worked out:

Bob and Wayne mount an extremely rickety ladder, one on each side, in order to change a gel filter on one of the lights (sorry, no technical terms available). Potential magical-realist moment here, with flocks of spanners swooping across the stage?). As Wayne reaches behind himself to adjust a mounting screw, Bob hugs him round the waist for support. Wayne stops, and gives him a look. Bob looks bashful. Bob then retreats down the ladder to go fetch something. There's an almighty bang (preferably with smoke), the ladder collapses neatly onto the stage, and Wayne is left hanging there, looking very scared. Eventually he manages to hook a leg round the frame, but not without some impressive acrobatics, I'm thinking. In fact, he could heroically change the filter while hanging from his feet - that'd be good. Bob can throw him tools, in a little bit of a juggling act. At some point, however, Wayne's feet lose their grip and he is left hanging by his fingertips from the lighting rig. In the moment of terrified silence, the gel filter he's just heroically replaced flutters to the ground, watched in mute silence by our two stagehands. At this point, Bob walks to the edge of the stage, unties a couple of ropes, and lowers the entire lighting rig to the stage. Wayne can then drop all of eighteen inches and lie on the stage making terrified burbling noises. Bob steps over him and nonchalantly replaces the gel filter.

Hmmm. Maybe not. Never mind; as Thomas Edison said, "If you want to have a good idea, have lots of them."


Paul ◘ said...

"Paen to the ærodynamic spanner."
 I like it

Peter Sealy said...

Sounds like the old slapstick routines of Charlie Chaplin, Abbott and Costello, and laurel and Hardy.

XXXX YYYY said...

I think it could be done well. Urm Moomie sweetie, don't quit your day job.

Peter Sealy said...

Don't worry - if it's the Fringe, he won't be!