Friday, September 22, 2006

Transient but interesting

There's treasure everywhere today:

Clearing through my backlog of articles, I come across the fact that in the UK we throw away more food than packaging (courtesy of the deliciously named Soggy Lettuce Report). Really not sure whether to be cheered or alarmed by that. I guess, if the figures weren't so high, it'd be a good thing - less plastic going into the environment, more of our waste is biodegrabale, etc.

Then, via a roundabout route including Charles Stross' blog (which has some real gems on it, by the way), I find the rather wonderful news that IBM have a secret island hideaway - inside a computer game. In true Bond-villain style, Big Blue have staked a claim to an island inside Second Life, and are using it for business meetings. I'm surprised they didn't phone Pixar and offer to buy the island in The Incredibles.


Paul ◘ said...

Yesterday evening, as luck would have it, I was able to incorporate the "grow a pair of extra hands for all that backlog" notion into a conversation and am back to report that it worked like a charm. Desk cleared!

Returning now to the news that matters.

XXXX YYYY said...

The IBM thing is really just another videoconferencing tool, as I see it.

Andrew C said...

Did I get this right... A virtual suggestions scheme?

Matt F said...

Hector's right, at the moment it's basically another videoconferencing tool. But it only has to extend a little way to become a location just as important to the company as any of its physical plants. And I just like the idea of IBM having a virtual lair.

Andrew C said...

Heh, I know lots of companies which have become totally virtual :(