Monday, September 04, 2006

What is the messiest fruit?

Are oranges the messiest fruit to eat, or what? I always make a complete mess of peeling them. 


Henry Bloomfield said...

(Your inline image has been stopped by those mean Tripod people)


XXXX YYYY said...

Watermelons and pomegranates are pretty messy too.

Ian Bennett said...

Mangoes. They should only be eaten while taking a bath.

Paul ◘ said...

Did anyone mention mangoes? I think plums deserve a nod, as well.

Joyce Collins said...

I agree with the majority: MANGOES!! I end up covered with juice whenever I eat one.

Peter Sealy said...


Peter Sealy said...

P.S. We got one of these - they really help with mangos.

Barry Owen said...

I'm gonna go traditional on this:
The humble blackberry can get smeared across more white surfaces than ever imagined by Escher.
I know because I was that small child.

XXXX YYYY said...

Mangoes. I grew up with 7-8 mango trees in the backyard. There are ways around the mess, but it takes a bit of practice.

Coconuts are pretty messy, too.

Andrew C said...

Watermellon - Saff-Italian saying:Watermellon-You eat, you drink AND you wash your face

xandra m said...

I agree with pomegranates, but I once ate a fruit in Jamaica that had a yucky, clear gel in it and a bunch of black seeds. I looked it up and it's called Sweetsop.

XXXX YYYY said...

//a yucky, clear gel in it and a bunch of black seeds. I looked it up and it's called Sweetsop//

They're better known as Custard Apples, the official tropical fruit of halfbakers. I love 'em.

Andrew C said...

Durian - Perhaps not messy, but very smelly... Banned in many hotels and transport systems, I'm told.

xandra m said...

I never knew the name of those even though I tried eating it. Custard it is not. I don't care what they call it.

Andrew C said...

What's it like? I'm told (by the people who told me!) that it's absolutely gorgeous, and that the god-awful smell ALMOST wins, but loses the battle against the terrific flavour (seeing the wiki doesn't put this across as well as my friends did)

XXXX YYYY said...

Are Custard Apples also known as passionfruit?

I agree with mangoes--definitely the messiest fruit I've eaten. But God, I love 'em.

XXXX YYYY said...

No, Marie.

A passionfruit is egg-sized and tart, filled with tiny black seeds in yellow pulp. You swallow the seeds.

Custard Apples are sized from softball to head-sized, and the flesh is very sweet and the seeds are the size of Borlotti beans. If Xandra got one where the flesh was clear I would suggest that it was an unripe Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa), or it was an extremely overripe custard apple. I wouldn't eat one that had started to go bad, either.

XXXX YYYY said...

Ah, I see. Thanks, H.

XXXX YYYY said...

There's a really cool member of the passionfruit gang, called a Grenadilla. The fruit are about the size of an American football, but with blunter ends. The seeds are flat and a about 1/2in across and the pulp is much sweeter than passionfruit, with the acid tartness. My grandmother had a Grenadilla vine over a covered walk at her home. Finding a ripe one was always a treat.

Not Mark Flynn said...

The italics make the last part seem really urgent.