I've always been a fan of the hybrid blimp/flying wing/hovercraft
concept, which I thought as only being developed by a few of the
aviation entrepreneurs. However, thanks to browsing on
Peter's directory of stupid photos, I come across
this photo of soemthing which (a) doesn't look
faked, and (b) has Lockheed Martin plastered all over the side. So I do
some digging, and rapidly I find
article - apparently LM did a test flight way back in May!
Sheesh! How come I didn't spot this? Darn it.
(For those who aren't familiar with the concept, the thing get almost
all of its lift from the airbags like a blimp, but the last little bit
which gets it off the ground comes from the wing shape of the whole
thing, giving it enough lift to be able to take off from short,
unprepared runways. The undercarriage is made of of hovercraft-like
airpads, which enable it to land on rough ground and can also be
swapped from 'blow' to 'suck' to prevent it from zooming up into the
air when you take all the heavy cargo out. Genius or what? LM don't
want to talk about it, but apparently aviation geeks are guessing the
prototype has a cargo capacity of about 3-5 tons).