Thursday, March 15, 2007

Nokia's Design Research for Everyone
Interview with Jan somebody or other from Nokia. Interesting comments about how they go about their research, but the most interesting part (I thought) was how prepay mobile phones are being used in the Third World as ATMs...


Paul ◘ said...

That won't come as a surprise to anyone acquainted with our own US migrant or undocumented society.

Jonathan Phillips said...

fascinating - reminded me of this story

John Bush said...

It's funny. My dealings with the Nokia research guys are at the technology level. The contacts we have in industry (manufacturers (Samsung, Nokia), operators like Orange (FT), the BBC) all have his roots very much in technology development rather than the market and product research. Nevertheless, there are always interesting gems of information dropped about services that these guys are researching that aren't anything like the normal next-gen phone app scenarios (cinema listings, blog sites, all that crap).