At the moment Scotland is in the throes of an election, so on Saturday morning I had the joy of a big wodge of political junk mail being thrust through my door, all wrapped up in a pizza delivery leaflet.
One leaflet in particular caught my eye. It was from the Liberal Democrats, who I would normally vote for (being solidly bleeding-heart liberal and middle class). However, in a bid to encourage people to vote tactically, they included the following bar graph:
It's a two horse race: Tories and SNP have no chance of winning in this area, so vote Lib Dem or get Labour!
It took me a while, in my addled pre-breakfast state, to work out what was wrong with this graph, but when I did I was extremely irritated. The Liberal Democrats have a bit of a reputation for sharp practice in local election campaigns, but to me this is a vote-loser. The most charitable explanation is that it's a formatting error - they chopped off the top of the Labour bar to fit more stuff on the leaflet - but frankly, so what? As far as I'm concerned, this is a blatant and stupid attempt to mislead the electorate. Having politicians who lie to you is one thing - but you at least expect them to be good at it.
The ironic thing is that on the back of this self-same leaflet was a big blank area, headed by the question, "tell us about problems in your area" - so if anybody bothered to reply, the Liberal Democrat office will be awash with these bar graphs. Wonder if they've noticed. I wonder if they care.