Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A little bit of greetings-card philosophy

I've been rereading Andrew Smith's Moondust - an excellent book for anyone even vaguely interested in the Apollo moonlandings, by the way, when I accidentally misread the phrase " I realise how few people I know who might be described as happy, and how much time I've spent beng unnecessairly less than that myself". I thought it said:

"I realise how few people I know who might be described as happy, and how much time I've spent being unnecessarily less than myself"...

....and I would have gone on thinking that that was what it said, and nodding to myself at the profundity of it, if I hadn't checked the quote in order to post it here. Hah. Still, for some reason, the misquote chimes more deeply with me than the actual one.


Jonathan Phillips said...

I've only just spotted your barcode clock. Very clever.

Jonathan Phillips said...

I've only just spotted your barcode clock. Very clever.

Paul ◘ said...

We have a lovely woman who writes a new bit of her philosophy every morning on a hall dry erase board. We crossed paths and I thanked her for the many ideas that have appeared there -- I'm generally not around at that hour and hadn't asked anyone who might be responsible. The thought for the day was, "When you find fault, and before you speak of it, look inward for a moment and be very certain you are going to speak from your heart, not of your heart."

There's a church nearby that also pontificates on its roadside signboard that usually is a little more witty, as in "God's word equals full pews minus the sum of empty promises and half truths."

I just noticed that I may "drag" the text box here longer or shorter with my mouse. kew.

k_sra sra said...

I've only just spotted your barcode clock. Very clever.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

The new quote is all yours moom. Profundity is where you find it.

Andrew C said...

still waiting for 070707070707

Matt F said...

One hour and ... eleven minutes to go!
(and then another seven hours, seven minutes and seven seconds)

I plan on being asleep.

Andrew C said...

I've got my own, and I'm planing on
a) Setting the time to GMT (the default is New Zealand) and
b) Taking it to bed with me