Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Full emotional disclosure - in infomatic form.

One suspects that Hell might have no fury like a woman reduced to six symbols on a chart.


Tom Kimber said...

Hmm, I just had a look - I wasn't impressed - it's an interesting concept, managing to put that much information up in one place - it's going to be really difficult for it not to look messy. Which, I'm afraid it did. I might have had sidebars and popouts with relevant information grouped together somehow, with the central display showing a simple timeline, with some method of highlighting gaps and overlaps (which I found hard to read in this one - surely gaps and overlaps have to be the most interesting part!)

I did quite like the quick series of failed attempts in the middle, with names like "The Canadian" and "The Mom" etc - you know things aren't that serious when you refer to your potential mate in those terms.

Jonathan Phillips said...


The Web Site you requested falls into one or all of the following categories :
L'emplacement de Web vous avez demandé des chutes dans une outoutes les catégories suivantes :
De website die u gevraagd heeft valt in één of elk van de volgende categorieën:


My firewall no likey! Interesting that my firewall thinks that preventing access to sites on the basis that they're Arty, Cultural or Heritage-based is ok. Funny. Weird. Unsettling.

Hazel Phillips said...

It seems 2005 was an interesting year...

Matt F said...

I was very confused for a long time, I must admit. In the end, I gave up and amused myself trying to misinterpret what all the break-up symbols might mean ('she metamorphosed into a house?')

Doctor Curry said...

Mine rejects the site for Nudity. (It's America, after all. Heaven forbid anyone actually see what the Good Lord gave us.)