Monday, July 02, 2007

Hello random people!

Over the last few months, I've noticed a distinct pick-up in the number of Multiply people who, despite being entirely unrelated (and generally being in some far-distant part of the world) have randomly found their way to my homepage. Hello you random people! Welcome!

Feel free to say hello back... I'm very curious as to how you ended up here.

(I've also noticed there must be a fair few non-Multiply people stopping by, too. Hello to you too! I'm sorry there's no way for you to leave comments - mind you, you're all probably related to me anyway so you can just jolly well use email, or pop over for a cup of tea)


Dom Mas said...

Hello back to you!!! And if you would like to know how I got here, I did a search for pictures of France and found your "Tour de France" pictures. Now, since multiply allows our voyeuristic tendencies to flourish, I thought I would look at the rest of your site. So there you have it! Signed - another random person at the other end of the world!

Debbie McKee said...

Hello Matt, I am a lurking lurker who lurked you last summer. I'll be happy to come round for tea, but I need some info first.
1: is your email the same?
2:If so why haven't you answered my last email.
3.Your Bathyform web site links are all dead.
4. Do you know who I am?

Debbie McKee said...

but I'm a little lost. have things changed dramatically?

Matt F said...

Hello dear.
Hopefully the bathyform stuff is still up and running, but it seems a little flaky.

Anyway, it's a long time since you posted this and we've spoken since, so I'm just rreplying for the sake of completeness...