Friday, August 17, 2007

Solar Decathlon hits Washington

Start:     Oct 12, '07
End:     Oct 20, '07
This looks really interesting - in October, the biannual Solar Decathlon competition hits Washington. From across the country - in fact, from across the world - teams of students will be converging on the city to erect houses - houses they have designed, and which run on entirely self-generated electricity. The 'solar' in the title implies that it's all electricity from the sun, but at least one of the entries in 2005 had a hydrogen fuel cell, so I dunno. Anyway, it looks utterly fascinating, and I wish it was coming to a city near me.


Not Mark Flynn said...

That sounds more like just one event. Not ten.

Matt F said...

There are ten sets of scores, for things like 'design and architecture', 'lighting', etc., with individual prizes for each. Hence the decathlon nonsense.

Doctor Curry said...

Hm, yeah, I'm thinking a solar decathalon should require the solar technology to drive ten completely different kinds of things. This is more of a Solar Unithon.