Monday, September 17, 2007


It's not the best photo, but you can see the central hull lifted out of the water.

While I was on holiday, sailing the west coast of France, we stopped one day in a sheltered cove for lunch. As luck would have it, anchored in the same bay was this contrivance - which has its own page on Wikipedia. It's a sailing hydrofoil - a rare beast indeed!

More photos of the holiday here.


Paul M said...

Wow. Any idea what they're doing with it? That is, any plans to circumnavigate the globe or somesuch?

charl * said...

What good fortune that you were able to see it!

Barry Owen said...

Alors, vous avez passe de bons vacances?

John Bush said...


(That's just for my jealousy of your holiday - l'hydroptere gets a second Wow!)

michael * said...

The crew members staked out on the outrigger struts are reminiscent of the last desperate moments from the original "Flight of the Phoenix" in their bid to escape certain (though somewhat drier) death.

Matt F said...

Oui, tres bon merci! Le soleil brillait, le fruits de mer etaient superbe, et le temps faisait beau tout le temps. C'etait vraiment un excellent break. Maintenant j'ai un excellent tan, et c'est fucking freezing in Edinburgh.

Matt F said...

Don't think so. I think it's just bumbling around. Not sure how old it is. I was surprised at how quickly it got up out of the water - there was relatively little breeze (force 4, at this point) and the boat must have gone about 100 yards under full sail when this photo was taken.

Kicked up quite a rooster tail, too.

k_sra sra said...

Etiez vous pres de Montpellier?

Matt F said...

Mais non! Nous etions sur le cote Atlantique. Ici une carte: nous avons commence a le Trinite sur Mer, pres de Carnac (top left). Nous avons explore le Golfe de Morbihan, un grand (et tres interessant) region avec beaucoup de petits iles; et nous avons visite l'ile d'Houat (c'est un des petit iles in the middle of the map). Finalement, nous avons fini a Pronic, et parti de l'aeorport a Nantes.

Nous avons fait beaucoup de natation dans le mer, et spent lots of time on the beach. C'etait superbe.

k_sra sra said...

Oh, WEST coast. Pardon, I ecoute what je veux ecoute. By the way, you're Franglais est incroyable! : )