Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Moom in concert - Friede auf Erden

Start:     Dec 1, '07 7:30p
End:     Dec 21, '07

It's that time of year again. No snippets to whet your appetite this time round (sorry) - hopefully we might have a snippet or two of us singing when we've done the concert. This term it's Schoenberg, Britten, Poulenc, and some Swiss dude who has a christian name for a surname. They're all kind of tricky, but they're also all very rewarding. "Friede auf Erden" is an archaic German phrase meaning 'Peace on Earth' - unfortunately the first batch of tickets I printed out had a minor typo on them (I missed off the final 'n'), which apparently meant they translated as 'Peace on dirt' instead. Hey ho.


Paul M said...

In terra pax.

michael * said...

Earthy humor; Earthly delights.

Doctor Curry said...

Well, cool! Have fun!