Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Designer creates iPlant - but does it work?

Is this the ultimate in air purification for the concerned, modern eco-aware young affluent parent type person, or an idiotic waste of the earth's resources?



What a piece of cr@p.

This would be the perfect receptacle for some rodent posteriors.

This is simply too good to miss. It's called Andrea. Everybody say hi!

Based on experiments performed by RTP Labs, Andrea improves the efficiency of formaldehyde removal from the air relative to plants alone by 360%. Relative to HEPA and carbon filters, comparison between the RTP Labs data and literature data show an improvement in formaldehyde filtration efficiency of 4400%.

What do you think? It seems he's using the soil as a filtration medium by forcing air through it, as well as whatever the plant is doing (respiring, photosynthesising, one of them). When you read the Science Bit, it seems plausible - but I admit, I'm completely sceptical and so I'm going to query the fact that he talks about efficiencies rather than total throughput.

So, is it an effective tool for the concerned modern... person, or an idiotic waste of the earth's resources? Damn, I should've turned this into a poll.


Michael * said...

I wonder how well it will work after I have killed the plant from lack of attention...(Three times zero is still zero!)

The part that makes me most skeptical is the assertion that any plant will effectively work. I really thought that some particular species were far more effective filters than others.

Doctor Curry said...

I'm all for having more plants around, but I'm somewhat sceptical too."ANDREA employs both active plant filtration, along with water and soil to provide a multistage system that cleanses air from harmful toxins that can irritate and be harmful to your lungs.Looks to me like the plant is merely a motor here, the evaporation from the leaves creating the breeze that daws the air through the soil and water. And it's the soil and water that do the real work.

Matt F said...

Well, except there's a fan, too.

I do wonder what would be the result if they tested a filter bed of soil.

Doctor Curry said...

Missed the fan, but yeah, exactly!