Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Bus for London unveiled, and look who it isn't...
Yes, my favourite designer is back, hurrah! The Heatherwick strikes again. I'm a tad suspicious that this thing might be a bit longer than the ones it's replacing, but damn if it doesn't look good. Two staircases! Three doors! How do they manage to fit people in?

Here's the official London Transport announcement. Damn you Thomas Heatherwick, you're so curly and brilliant.


John Bush said...

Buses out of wood! Whatever next? And who is this manufacturer - "Mock Up"? Never heard of them.

Andrew C said...

Oh, I just caught the end of a news report about these and missed most of the item, so thanks for posting - Nice looking thing, I must say. (... but needs a lift (p'haps even a Swanee Lift!), a foyer and a cafe- he he)

Pity they put a shroud around the open platform - I used to like hanging off them :(

I wonder what design specs they still have for the original Routemaster - and what proportion of the specs are unchanged. The Transport museum used to be in Clapham Common/Clapham North but moved to Coventry, years ago - I wonder if they've got any original specs.

Lloyd . said...

Mosquito bus.

Wooden wonder.

Matt F said...

I was right about the length - I'm told it's 3m longer than the old Routemaster. Surprised it's not more - but actually, 3 metres is quite a lot.