Sunday, August 15, 2010

Test from China

I'm just seeing if this works, so that next week when I go on holiday I will be able to send updates to all you lovely people from wherever the heck it is I am.


Barry Owen said...

Wherever you are - we can see you (and stop doing that!)

Peter S said...

F a l u n G o n g, T i a n e n m e n S q, T a i w a n.

There, that should sort it out.

Michael * said...

(Every time I come across a reference to the FalunGong my mind stumbles on the Ooolongftangftangbank tongue twister that Zen_Tom initiated. Perhaps [moominply] will become a member of the falungongoolongftangftangbank user profile scheme whilst in China.)

Paul M said...

R.O.C. out.

Bring us all cheap plastic trinkets.

John Bush said...

Enjoy China!

A colleague of mine went out for a two week "trade & industry misson". He came back in a slight state of panic that every city in China had universities with the resources of a small country. Vast departments with armies of minions (and, ergo, journal-writing capability).

He also got the 'squits'... after eating a Pizza Hut. Go figure!

Matt F said...

Funny you should mention that - someone else told me a similar story. And having eaten western food out there now, my impression is that no, they don't really understand it. Whereas all the Chinese food I had out there was delicious!

I am back now, as you can see, which means I can see this site and reply to messages. However, the Big Adventure starts on Saturday, when we will start wending our way back to China...

Right now, though, I'm just waiting for jet-lag to drop on me like a cartoon piano.