Tuesday, March 29, 2011

St Petersburg & Moscow

Rafael did this

This has bubbled up to the surface again as I am currently trying to compile the photobook (or as the older generation would have it an 'album') from our long trip to China... so where were we? Oh yes. From Helsinki we took the train to St Petersburg and then onwards to Moscow, spending a few days in each place...


Peter S said...

It's a bit bleak.

Peter S said...

Simply shaking hands would be more tasteful

Peter S said...

Lawrence Llewellyn-Bowen?

Matt F said...

That accusation could be levelled at most of the Hermitage. I mean, really - faux-Roman mosaics? A mechanical clock containing not one but two full size golden peacocks? The Romanovs really did rococo

Andrew C said...

Looks shopped. For some reason reminds me of smirking-arsonist girl