Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Interesting Bloke. Crap Tea."

I was looking through my stuff, wondering how on Earth I'm going to pack it all (I'm moving house next weekend), when I realized I've got rather a lot of tea. Not sure how much, to be honest. I know I've got less than my all-time high of 27 varieties, but I'd guess I'm at maybe seventeen? Somewhere between... oh. Twenty. Okay. The problem is I will forget which ones I like, so I'm writing it all down. And I might as well share this information.

Most of them come from either Nothing But Tea, or Whittards. Some I haven't tried yet, some I haven't tried in years. In between though, are the following:

Green Assam TGFOP Khongee - A nice green tea. I like Assam. Good for breakfast. Incidentally, if you think green tea is bitter, then you're probably making it with water which is too hot.

Tesco Scottish tea bags - now, this may just be because I'm English, but this tastes really odd. Wave it at the mug, maybe, but then put something else in. Bleuch.

Fairtrade Teabags - this tastes to me of fish. Buy it only if your conscience is very very insistent.

Earl Grey - Ah, the old favourite. Don't like the Twinings one, but Whittards and nbtea are both yummy. Prefer it black, but will drink it with milk. Or lemon.

Green Earl Grey - my breakfast staple. Really very fond of this. Not always available, so I buy in bulk whenever I can find it. Fragrant, with lots of lemony bergamot smell. Delish.

Jasmine - I like jasmine, but I don't drink it very often. Also have some Jasmine Phoenix Eyes, which are kind of cool (they're like little rolled balls of tea leaf, which look like little eyes), but they're quite impractical.

Lapsang Souchong - another tea which is fairly common. Again, I don't drink it a lot, but I have some at the back of the cupboard. I mention it for calibration purposes, I guess... if you know how you feel about lapsang, then you can judge if your tastes are likely to be close to mine... on which subject, I find it a bit too harsh. A tea that tries too hard!

White Dan Lei - This came in a sampler from NBT, and it's gorgeous! Really very exotic, with this fragrant and fruity thing going on. More body than jasmine - more spicy, too.

Special Aged Pu Ei - this is another sample, which I love. It turns the water a lovely pink colour, and tastes really nice - it's the tea equivalent of a rose wine, both in colour and taste. Somewhere between a green tea and a black one, but sweeter than both.

Georgian Old Lady - an NBT number. Exaclty what you'd expect - a reasonable, middle-of-the-road black tea. Feed it to your Gran.

Sikkim Temi - This is long gone, and all that remains is the little tin, sitting on my shelf in mute reproach. Really liked this tea, but I'm blowed if I can remember why.

Darjeeling TGFOP - very delicate. Boring, frankly.

Nilgiri BOP - Black tea . A tiny bit too delicate for my taste, but not as bad as the darjeeling.

Nepal Maloom - is a crazy name. Can't remember anything about the tea, though.

Chai - um, I have a couple of these. Twinings as always is bottom of the pile. The organic one is nice, the Whittards one is better. My method of making it is a bit erratic - I know you're supposed to brew it with the milk, or something, but I tend to skip that bit. I love chai. It's great for winter evenings, hot and spicy - use some frothy milk, and it's like a tea cappucino. Yum.

Orange Blossom Tea - Tried it. Couldn't see the point, frankly.

Cranberry Tea - a black tea with a bit of cranberry in it. Rubbish.

Nettle Tea - a very traditional cuppa, I found this in the supermarket the other day. What I didn't spot until I got home was the bit on the packet saying 'Nettle is valued for its properties as a diuretic'. Flippin' 'eck - I don't need anything else that'll make me pee more! Consequently I've only tried it once. It was remarkably strong and dark, and tasted a lot like lawn clippings.

Fruit teas - everyone is so down on fruit teas. The first comment everyone says is 'smells lovely, tastes like water.' At this point I have to prevent myself sighing and rolling my eyes, and limit myself to suggesting a few that they should try. Whittards do some lovely ones. Current favourites are Plum Pudding, and the Breakfast Fruit one. And another one, which I poured into a tin and threw away the label. Damn.
Also, orange, cinnamon and rooibos. Is very very nice. Like a fruit version of chai.

Finally, you have got to visit this charming site for a Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down. That Stuart, he seems like a nice young man.


TARA W said...

You've had 27 varieties of tea? I'm feeling faint all of a sudden. I have three types of tea in my cupboard and I thought that was impressive. I love Chai tea, and I bought a box of lemon tea and one box of mint tea in the Bahamas in 2004 that were tasty.

My favorite kind now is ginger tea. That'll cause one to break out in a sweat. Good stuff.

Matt F said...

Some of them were very bad. I'm thinking particularly of the Irish Whsiky Cream flavoured tea, and the Sticky Toffee Pudding Tea. Both were gifts - I'm not sure I ever actually tasted either.

Tom Kimber said...

I'm working through a Christmas gift of a Whittards boxed set of 9 teas - very fond of "Russian Caravan", a robust, malty tea - Assam is a safe favourite, and I do have to say, I rather like a bit of Darjeeling. Not so keen on the flowery Earl or Jasmine teas so much.

I do love green tea, it's the only one I'll drink without milk (which might account for my dislike of Earl Grey and Jasmine varieties) but always find it gets very dusty at the bottom. Green tea is best when you slurp it in with a little air.

tommy pryor said...

Interesting variety, im interested in trying the Plum Pudding tea myself now. Blends are getting quite popular though and a loose the loose leaf tea blends of makes for some quite surprisingly rich flavors in your cup.