Friday, March 31, 2006


So I've been talking to the little people who live in my monitor stand,
and they claim that their crusade against the ring binder reinforcement
rings is over. I must say I think they're right - I certainly haven't
seen any at my desk in a long time. I must admit to feeling deeply
uncomfortable about this sort of Stationery Cleansing, though.

Now, claim the little people, the whole world is theirs, and they are
pledged to be good stewards of it and look after it. I think they're a
little bit worried about the environment, although I've promised to
tidy up all the paper.

Right now, I'm trying to encourage them to expand. I've explained to
them about Other Desks, but their reaction was extremely sceptical.
"How do we know other desks exist?" one of their mini-scientists
demanded, waving a shaving of pencil lead at me. "And if they do exist,
how do we know they will have breathable atmospheres?" I did point out
that if you go right out to the extreme limit of The Desk, it is
possible to catch sight of other Desks, but their eyesight isn't very
good, and their telescopes are laughable. They also demanded to know
how they were supposed to get there - I explained about rubber bands,
and elicited only a shocked silence.

"How fast?"

"Um. Thirty miles an hour?"

"And how big is a mile?"

I had to look it up. "It's about 170,000 centimetres." Too late I
remembered about their weird units. "Wait! A mile is... 224,000 U's.

They laughed like hyenas at this one. At the moment, they're convinced
that they'll die if they travel more than about 30 U's an hour. One of
them managed to clamber to his feet to ask, "And how does the man with
the red flag stay in front?" Then they all collapsed back into laughter.

I waited patiently, but to no avail. They'd clearly had enough of my
nonsense. Still giggling and wiping their eyes, the little delegation
crawled back into the monitor stand.


Peter S said...

Are these the guys also responsible for the extinction of treasury tags? I haven't seen a new one for years, though I did come across a fossil bed of them in the archive here at work.

XXXX YYYY said...

The Flurgles in my bookshelf mentioned a strange race who live in a monitor stand, in their chronicles. Of course, they also wrote in their chronicles that Umberto Eco was an intensely boring twat, so I guess they probably DO know about your little folks, by interpolation, Moom.

Matt F said...

Treasury tags now only exist in beleaguered outposts, scratching out a living at the margins of the office universe. It's terribly sad. We should set up Treasury Tag Protection Preserves (not to be confused with Treasury Tag Preserve, which involves boiling several thousand Treasury tags for several hours and making them into jam. Bleugh).

Hmmm... as far as I know, my little people don't know of anyobody else's existence, although they do have some myths about Marco Polo, the Traveller With the Hole.

Peter S said...

Would that be Mark O'Polo, of the County Fermanagh O'Polo clan?

Henry Bloomfield said...

I use Treasury Tags at work, but then, I do work for the government.

- H

Peter S said...

Well quit slacking and wasting my taxes, and do some bleedin' work instead of hanging around here.

Henry Bloomfield said...

If you didn't spend so much time here yourself but got on with some work, you'd earn more, get paid more and be able to pay more taxes and then I might get paid better.

- H

Lloyd . said...

I want a Multiply rebate!

XXXX YYYY said...

Have your little people heard of the water game Marco Polo himself invented? You can fill your tea mug with water and teach them how to play it. I hear they like water. *splash! bloop bloop bloop*

Chris G said...

what exactly is your relationship with the little people? are you some kind of god? should they be laughing at god?

XXXX YYYY said...

If you can't laugh at god/God/Chud then you live in a theocracy. That's a Baaaaaaadd thing.