Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Alternative Multiply relationships

This is a conversation I've had with various people, but I can't find
where it's been discussed more generally. I did try searching Multiply
for "alternative relationships", but realized pretty quickly the
potential for misunderstanding there...


Instead of being an 'internet buddy', a 'colleague', or a 'father' (just one of many), what would you like to see where it says:

"Elephant_in_the_room205 is..."

...your pet's nemesis.

...your friendly sceptic.

...your secret shame.

...your idiot halfbrother who you keep in the attic.

...Mrs Norris.

...your own secret identity which you forgot about.

...your favourite meal reinterpreted as modern dance.

...your hero.

...a random hanger-on.

Any more suggestions? I'm sure we've done this, but
I can't find it anywhere. I'm also sure I came up with some really good
ones which are now tragically lost.

P.S. if there really is a user 'Elephant_in_the_room205', then I can only say, 'oops'....


Lloyd . said...

Your floozy

Andrew C said...

...Imaginary Friend (I'm sure this one came up a while ago...)

Calum Fisher said...

your bĂȘte noire

Matt F said...

...your conscience.
...your evil twin.
...distantly related to your socks.
...your windup toy.
...your own, personal, Jesus.
...your favourite sweater.
...your punchbag.
...your fine wine at the end of a long day (this is starting to sound like a list of endearments)
...your petit choufleur. (which I believe is an endearment, if you're French)
...your minion. (hah, yeah, you wish)
...the fly in your ointment.

Matt F said...

oh yeah, and:
...the elephant in the room.

Lloyd . said...

your beer froth

Peter Sealy said...


charl * said...


XXXX YYYY said...

backstabbing ratbastard I once slept with. (and no, no one in my contact list has that distinction, at least not yet....;-)

Peter Sealy said...

There you go - how could they have missed

- one night stand


- alter ego
- secret crush
- former colleague
- wingman/woman

Paul ◘ said...

"I'm halfsure, bitch!"
" ... yet another lickspittle"
"barbarian at the gates"
"<<tag that inserts stars>> pain in the nads"

Tom Kimber said...

...underground bishop vendor.

Matt F said...

...your route to other, more interesting people.
...your guru.
...your friendly local Spiderman.
...your very own banana republic (pop:1)
...a peanut butter jelly sandwich
...your Rasputin.
...your worst nightmare re-enacted with sock puppets.

Peter Sealy said...

Clearly, we need a free text entry option.

Matt F said...

...your echo from a previous life.
...your internationally renowned toast arranger.
...your casual acquaintance
...your nodding acquaintance.
...someone else's acquaintance you seem to have picked up.

And then there's Rimmer's quote from Red Dwarf: "Over the years, I've come to regard you all as people I met."

Matt Worldgineer said...

...likely drunk again.

James Clarke said...

...the albatross around your neck.

Paul ◘ said...

XXX is "your idea of someone who is only here to fart around".

Peter Sealy said...

And, um, is there anyone here who doesn't fall into that category?

Matt Worldgineer said...

Refrigerator looks pretty serious.

Matt F said...

Is that a person, or an appliance?

Matt Worldgineer said...

An appliance. But don't tell Curtis - appliances are explicitly not allowed to have accounts here.

From the Terms link (below):

//Your profile must describe you, an individual person. Examples of inappropriate profiles include, but are not limited to, profiles that purport to represent an animal, place, inanimate object, fictional character, or real individual who is not you. //

Matt F said...

Seems rather appliance-ist.

Paul ◘ said...

Sorry, Peter. A good Vonnegut reference that shouldn't go to waste.

Remember, "Life is no way to treat an animal".

Paul ◘ said...

Day-um. I guess the "Multipowers-that-be" don't want a repeat of the chaos that is M#Spac#.