Saturday, July 29, 2006

The world's biggest bath - and its rubber duckies.

One of those phenomenonmeneonemenneona that doesn't yet have a shiny
website but desperately needs one, (there is one here
but it's rubbish),
this Radio 4 programme tells the story of 28,800 little rubber ducks,
turtles, beavers and frogs
who were unceremoniously dumped
into the Pacific ocean when their container was swept overboard in
1992. Since then, they've travelled the ocean currents, giving joy to
men with beards (all beachcombers have beards, there's a law) and
enlightenment to oceanographers as they turn up in places they really
shouldn't have been able to drift to. Some, apparently, were frozen
into Arctic ice and ended up on the shores of Scotland (yay! Go

This is your main man, dignified by the name Curtis Ebbesmeyer, with a
few of the fearless explorers who dropped out of the race early.
Apparently these plastic venturers are hot property; there's a $100
bounty if you find a genuine one, and they have been known to turn up
on ebay for gazillions of dollars (or some money, anyway, I don't know).


Peter S said...

Brilliant show this morning with Clive Anderson - great fun.

Andrew C said...


XXXX YYYY said...

They've become quite important for the purpose of hydrography studies.

Peter Sealy said...

(Of course, this classic was originally referenced in Bored of the Rings.)