Wednesday, November 15, 2006

NaNoWriMo fragment #3

"We have a policy
with Big Red Ship Security. They're already looking for the Little Black Pig
system-wide. From the few shots we got, we reckon it's heading in-system,
possibly Janus or Pan."

Bernard shook his
head in disbelief. "It doesn't sound like Miguel. He really isn't smart when it
comes to people. He wouldn't have the first clue what to

Bernie eyed him with
hostility. "Your pal has my girl hostage. I'm going to fucking kill him. Our Big
Red policy covers temporary weaponization of assets. Big Red finds him, tells us
where he is, and then I'm going to take the Tabitha and go and kill

"Look, Bernie, I
understand, I know what it looks like. I was there, remember? I want to get
Annie back just as m- well, look, I want to get her back, too. I want to

Bernie shook her
head at him in wonder. "I just don't believe I'm hearing this. Don't you think
you've caused enough trouble? You did your part just bringing him on

He could see the
paranoia starting to spread behind her eyes. Wearily, he levered himself away
from the table. "Okay. Okay. But just listen for a second. I've been wracking my
brains thinking of places Miguel might go. I know he's visited Janus before; I
don't think he's ever been to Pan, or Enceladus. He-"

But she'd turned her
head away. Swinging her legs out, she batted herself away across the room.
Bernard was left, helpless, suddenly aware of the curious stares of the lunching
crewmembers all around him.


When he got back to
their quarters, Xin and David and the others were loafing around the cabin,
bored. Cold-shouldered by the Clown's crew, they'd ended up drifting back to
their bunks. Marcus had some specs on, and his hands poked listlessly at the
air, picking options in some menu only he could see. The others were reading, or
playing cards. Xin got up and gave him a brief hug as he slid the door


He looked up,
surprised at her concern. "I tried to talk to Bernie."

She shook her head.

"She wouldn't
listen. I just can't believe that Miguel would do this. It's not like him to go
and do something so lunatic." He looked round at the raised eyebrows. "Well,
okay, it is," he conceded, "but not quite this crazy. And anyway, that ship was
way beyond him." He paused. Nobody would meet his eye. "What is

"Sit down." Xin
said gently. He sat.

"What's going

"Bernard," she said,
"The report Miguel heard? The one about the guy he stabbed being


She sighed. "It was
just some amateur murderwatch newsgroup. It was completely wrong. The guy's
recovering well - it was someone else that died, an eighty four year old who
happened to have the same surname. Some idiot was scrolling down the list and
got the two confused. We checked with the hospital. The newgroup moderators have
issued a retraction.
 Miguel's not a murderer at all, Bernard. He just
panicked, that's all."

Bernard stared at
her, caught between relief and horror. "I... no. Oh, no."

Xin caught his hand.
"Look, it's good news, okay? We just have to get the news to Miguel, talk him

He was shaking his
head absently. "No, no, no. What a fuck up. I don't believe it. I just don't
believe it."

"Look, Bernie, it's
in the past, okay? Miguel's in trouble, sure, but he's not a murderer. We just
have to find him and talk him down. It'll be fine."

Pause. "Who else

"Mikhail, a few
others. I don't think anyone from the Tabitha's crew have been told

He levered himself
up. "I have to go tell Bernie."

Xin caught his
jacket and pulled him back into his seat, shaking her head. "That's not for you.
That's a bad idea, you know that. Let Mikhail tell her. It'll be better coming
from him."

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