First of all, a resource: The Design Encyclopedia
seems like it might be a very interesting resource. They're trying to
bootstrap it up to wikipedia scale with a 'fill in the blanks'
initiative right now.
Next... ooo. Gotta love this Electroluminescent chandelier by Naoto Fukisawa.
I have a bit of this stuff knocking aobut, although I'm not sure it's
enough to do one of these. Shame; it'd look fantastic in my bedroom...
Finally, if that's the good, then this is the bad and the ugly rolled into one: a collection of Super Bowl Party gadgets, including a $200 motion sensing trash can. "there's nothing worse than having to step on pedal just to open a
trashcan. You're not a feudal serf! Ditch the medieval tech and go
modern with a waste receptacle that does most of the heavy lifting for
you." I'm sorry, what?
I saw the trash cans at costco. Immediately I was drawn to the pointlessness of the thing, but before I could even think of purchasing it (not that I would) my wife made a very reasonable point: "the dogs would love that".
Ooh, clever woman. Clever dogs, too, I bet. : )
Those chandaliers are a bit eerie for the bedroom.
I bet. But would you love the dogs loving it?
Unfortunately I only have orange and fluorescent yellow bits - not so nice :(
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