Saturday, March 10, 2007

C'est tout c'est fini: Boris the floor-sweeping robot

Okay - this is Boris VI, I guess. He picks up about 80% of the muck on the floor, and can negotiate pretty much anything on my floor, including the sheepskin rug (the lizards still give him a bit of trouble, though).

Boris VI is a mini-Boris - I've stripped out all the gear trains, directly connected the motor units to the wheels and the floorbrushes, and used smaller wheels so he now has a much smaller footprint.

I'm declaring him finished - considering what a difficult problem this is - the different obstacles, then different types of stuff to pick up - I reckon he'll do. As long as he doesn't come into contact with his nemesis (the phone cable) then he's fine. So I'm declaring him done, his field testing finished, and now he can get on with cleaning the fliippin' floor. Get to it, robot! (Bless his little metal heart).


Andrew C said...

Cool - What does it do with the dust it finds? Is it like a motorised dustpan & brush (It that what the clear perspex bit is over (under) the blue (battery?) is?)

Matt F said...

Yes, and yes. (and yes, that's the battery).

had a bit of a problem with dust being dusted back out of the dustpan and onto the floor, so I stuck some velcro in the corners of the dustpan and that seems to have improved things enormously. It still drops a little bit - but I'm willing to accept that. At least it gets the dust out from underneath the sofa.

Randy Gilbert said...

When do you start mass production?
and did you remember to program the three laws of robotics?

Peter S said...

And are you behaving ethically towards Boris?

Matt F said...

"Last year a UK government study predicted that in the next 50 years robots could demand the same rights as human beings.

Hmmm. Well I guess a week is a long time in a South Korean research lab, so who knows what'll happen in fifty years' time...

Peter S said...

I wonder if future generations will look back at Robot Wars with the same distaste we look back on bear baiting, or cock fighting.

Andrew C said...

I've been thinking, you should have called him Basil.

Andrew C said...

But now that Skynet's up, shouldn't that question be the other way around?

Matt F said...


Edit:(moments later) Oh, duh. I get it. Yes, very good.

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