Thursday, March 15, 2007

My first political cartoon

If only I'd looked at some photos and discovered he had a moustache and no beard. Hey ho. Like I said, haven't got time for perfection.

I'm trying not to aim for perfection, because if I do then I'll never get anything done.

This is my response to Khaled Sheikh Mohammed admitting he's guilty of everything.


Paul ◘ said...

I dunno. My thoughts flash to the beard, and to the ass**** in Germany ("curveball") who allegedly fed the CIA tall tales about the Iraqi war machine, and to the hundreds ot metro-faithful sitting in terrorist prisons fattening themselves on Uncle Sam's gravy when they should be tending flocks somewhere; and, I get the feeling everything's going to be just fine.

Hector V. Achilles said...

Are you serious?

2-3 years in solitary, mental abuse, beatings, deportation to amoral backwoods totalitarian regimes like Egypt for torture and interrogation, sleep deprivation, minimum rations, no exercise, 5 years without charges let alone a trial... If you did it to a US citizen you'd go to gaol for a lifetime but it's OK to do it to foreigners?

Matt F said...

Wot the blazes is metro-faithful?

John Bush said...

Is Brian Blessed taking over the world? *Again*! ?

Matt F said...

No! It's one of the Mario brothers.

Tom Kimber said...

Me neither - although it doesn't cheat like most political cartoons by labelling everything - so that the big mouse stamped with "Immigration" is clearly frightening a cowering elephantine "Economy" or something equally random, like these:

Matt F said...

Okay. Well, this guy who has been banged up in Guantanamo Bay for the last five years and is known as a fairly boastful character confesses to pretty much every major terrorist activity in the last twenty years, and the news is broadcast by his captors. It seemed to me that the whole thing had a slight edge of the fantastic about it. This character secures his place in the pantheon of the Arab anti-American movement, and the US gets to claim to have caught him. Everyone's a winner. Whether or not it's true, it had the feeling of both sides being gripped by the same fever dream.

Paul ◘ said...

touche. I don't think anyone locked in should "earn" anything, including freedom. Just hold 'em, wait 'till they've gone off their nuts (questionable, given the fanatisicm that landed 'em in the slam) and send them straightaway home. See if wild tales get them anything but a row to hoe.

Paul ◘ said...

A member of the church of East Butt-F*** ?

their competitor said...

yes, we are both living that dream, except on the way to work I walk by a big hole in the ground where I used to work.

Hector V. Achilles said...

I immediately saw it as an observation that Khalid had coughed up to something for reasons that made him a martyr and potentially took the heat off others who were still at large. Call me skeptical but he doesn't look like he could organise a chook raffle*.

*(A popular fundraising activity in Australia, usually organised by the students of primary schools. It involves selling raffle tickets in a couple of frozen chickens, usually to parents who spend more on tickets than they would on buying the chicken outright. Mostly replaced by chocolate sales drives, nowadays)

Matt F said...

That's good enough for me - I'm counting that as a message shared ;)

Matt F said...

... or a bunch of fanatic followers.

nancy 2010 said...

Well done!....political cartoon is very nice see.Also, its a funny informative post! I am really enjoyed of reading your post.Thanks for insight!
