Thursday, March 08, 2007

Wired has an article on Thomas Heatherwick
The man is a god. A god, I tell you!

I nearly got to do some work for him once, but turned it down. If I'd known who he was at the time... one of life's untaken roads. Still one of my all-time heroes, though. I mean, just check out the bridge:


charl * said...

That is incredible. I love it! Also...

//Just don’t call him an architect — he’s also responsible for a 55-ton staircase of undulating steel in New York City//

Perhaps I will be able to see this in NYC this weekend:

Tom Kimber said...

Now *that*'s a bridge.

Though I'd be interested to see how wobbly it gets as gets to the point (if indeed it does) during woodlouse curl/uncurl where all the weight on one side of the bolts holding it to the ground, is shifted over to the other side.

k_sra sra said...

That would give you quite a pinch if you were near it!

Ian Bennett said...

It remonds me of the Cluster Lizard in Lexx.

Matt Worldgineer said...

Help! I'm stuck in a bridge!