Monday, April 16, 2007

Call for some sort of competition: Frappucino Sculpting

Okay, so it's childish, and silly, and I should know better, but... I like to play with my food. and to be honest, I'm surprised I can't find any references to this on t'internet - crushed ice is great for making ice/sandcastles in, I'm surprised Starbucks or someone haven't sponsored some massive ice-slush-sculpting competition already

I'm calling this one 'Mocha Ice Goon Attempts Escape'. It errs on the side of simply finding out what's possible, and the answer is, actually, quite a lot. I was particularly surprised at the amount of tonal variation which was possible. I'm sure someone with actual talent must be able to do something attractive.

Anyone fancy having a go?


Tom Kimber said...

I'm tempted - I'll go looking for a starbucks at lunchtime...

Doctor Curry said...

Are you kidding? It's freezing out!! Way to cold for Frappucinos!

Tom Kimber said...

It's been so sunny the last couple of weeks - temperatures in the mid twenties (that's C mind), no wind - it's been glorious.

Unfortunately, it was too hot to make any real frappucino designs, but I do rather like the gentle suck/blow method that allows you to make cute little worm-like structures.

XXXX YYYY said...

Looks great, Matt. I like all the holes in it. I'll have a go at it next time I eat, if I remember and if the food brings out the sculptress in me.

Windell Oskay said...

It looks a lot like Rita Stacking:

Matt F said...

Hmmm.. well, maybe, but with far more artistic flair. (Obviously not in my example, but, y'know, potentially).