Monday, April 02, 2007

This is an open source car
... it could only come from Holland. "Stichting Natuur en Milieu" (The Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment) and the three technical universities of Delft, Eindhoven and Enschede have teamed up to create the 'c,mm,n' (no prizes for guessing how it's pronounced). All the bluepriunts and technical drawings will be freely available online.

I'm not sure how this will work; clearly they're not expecting people to be able to knock these up in their backyards, and surely there are a large number of parts where open source will miss out on the sort of economies of scale which the big carmakers enjoy. Nonetheless, it's nice to have the information - and for free, too.


k_sra sra said...

Netherlands, huh? That explains why it looks like a wooden shoe...

John Bush said...

... and will be unaccustomed to inclines...

Jonathan Phillips said...

.. .were they smoking something?

Doctor Curry said...


Doctor Curry said...

But, I would think that a true open source car, presumably designed to be put together from common, cheaply available parts, would look much more like, um, a car.

Peter S said...

And when it goes wrong, you'll have the mechanic suck his teeth and say "A Debian, ya say? Naw, mate you shoulda gone for the Red 'At. Far more reliable."

Matt F said...

Kind of like a kit car?

charl * said...

I've always been a fan of the Delft school.

Andrew C said...

It'll never fly