Friday, April 06, 2007

What the iPhone really has going for it

I've just recently got myself a new phone - a Sony Ericsson k800i (in a rather fetching silver colour), and while playing with my new toy, I downloaded and tried out various 'themes' - colour schemes, basically. I tried out a fair few, mostly made by amateurs, and they were uniformly flashy, ugly and badly designed. But then I found one theme that was far prettier and infinitely easier to use than any of the others. It left Sony Ericsson's default options looking decidedly clunky and awkward.

My one slight niggle with this far superior piece of graphic/interface design is more ideological than practical and it is this:

It's an iPhone clone.


Jonathan Phillips said...

I'm looking forward to the launch of the iPhone, but not because I'm desparate to buy one. (In fact, I suspect I won't get one as all my phones come from work)

However, the interface on the iPhone is new and different and I'm hoping represents a change in phone usability.

Ian Tindale said...

Silver K800i? You must be on an 02 contract. Very good camera on that phone. Did yours come with no M2 memory card at all?

Ian Tindale said...

I've got one of these as a spare cheapy phone:

It has a very radical user interface indeed.

Matt F said...

Yes! I mean no. No, it didn't! I was so annoyed. They gave me an iPod shuffle instead, which just seemd utterly bizarre.

The camera was why I wanted it. I got hooked on using the camera in my W800, and decided I wanted the extra resolution.

Matt F said...

Sweet! I haven't seen them over here - I guess I've been looking at the expensive end of the showroom :) Interesting though - I haven't seen an e-Ink display in real life, I might have to go and have a look.

Andrew C said...

Reminds me of my old T610
I had a theme based on this animated gif, but it was too big (memory wise) for it

Chris G said...

where's that?

Matt F said...

okay, okay.