Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I've been climbing the walls

I've been doing a bit of DIY, gradually (oh so gradually) doing up the flat so that it no longer looks like a rather tired 1970s DIY magazine centrefold. (What it looks like now, I don't want to speculate on). Just finished this set of shelves last weekend, and I'm pretty pleased with them. I wanted a set of shelves I could climb up - I was bored with having top shelves which I never used because I couldn't be bothered to fetch a ladder - so I designed and built these. On the left, you can see my original computer mockup; and to get the picture on the right, I had some fun with my camera and some very long exposure times.

As long as you never get close enough to see the quality of the build, they look pretty good. Happy with that.


charl * said...

Great job, Matt. I would expect a good design from you though. Now I am left to wonder which books those are. Good luck with the rest of the project.

Lloyd . said...

I could seriously do with some kind of shelving like that.

michael * said...

I'm impressed with the cleverly designed footholes.

Matt F said...

Nothing special, charl! The only intersting one is The Photo Album, which is the only album I own. Photos have to be pretty important to get put in there. And the red leather wallet thing is my letter writing kit - something else which only comes out very rarely nowadays!

Paul ◘ said...

Good work! Excellent innovation compared to, let's say, the advertisment for EasyClosets.com which has appeared on page left

XXXX YYYY said...

Very clever. Aesthetically pleasing and practical. You might want to put that on instructables.com.

Andrew C said...

Nice job - Have you thoughy of adding a recess for your head in the ceiling or glue a crash helmet up there?
(Wonders what your barcode's going to look like at 070707 on 070707ThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBarThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBarThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBarThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBarThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBarThickBaThickBaThickBarThinBar)

Matt Worldgineer said...

Love it. Great design. There should be more furniture meant for climbing.