Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NASA: Civilization will end in 2013 (possibly) • The Register
Invest in Agas and oil lamps (incidentally, Summer Girl's Dad sells oil lamps, if anyone's interested) - electricity might be a bit of a liability around the house in - holy crap, just a couple of years!

Given that solar storms have been spectacular - and only as long ago as 1989 - this is worth keeping an eye on, I reckon.


Barry Owen said...

Yay! Lightshow!

Michael * said...

It is sort of interesting how this prediction so neatly dovetails with the Mayan calendar's prediction of a December 21, 2012, apocalyptic change to a New (Seventh) World Age. Is it possible those ancient astronomers could so clearly have foreseen the cycles in solar activity? Makes one think!

grakki g said...

Right, I'm not going to work tomorrow, crack open the cider..... in the new world order, I can be a sooth sayer. I'll pop it on my CV now.

Lloyd . said...

I've started saving up potatoes, I have 7 so far.