Invest in Agas and oil lamps (incidentally, Summer Girl's Dad sells oil lamps, if anyone's interested) - electricity might be a bit of a liability around the house in - holy crap, just a couple of years!
Given that solar storms have been spectacular - and only as long ago as 1989 - this is worth keeping an eye on, I reckon.
Yay! Lightshow!
It is sort of interesting how this prediction so neatly dovetails with the Mayan calendar's prediction of a December 21, 2012, apocalyptic change to a New (Seventh) World Age. Is it possible those ancient astronomers could so clearly have foreseen the cycles in solar activity? Makes one think!
Right, I'm not going to work tomorrow, crack open the cider..... in the new world order, I can be a sooth sayer. I'll pop it on my CV now.
I've started saving up potatoes, I have 7 so far.
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