Thursday, April 20, 2006

Moom's Law of Legroom

I was flying, a while back, I wrote a rant about how I hated flying, how
rubbish it was compared to travelling by train, etc., etc.

on a train now.

I'd like to add one important proviso to my previous comments - the train is a
much more agreeable way to travel ONLY if there is PLENTY OF LEGROOM.
In fact, I'm going to go further, and propose Moom's Law of Legroom - a
journey is more enjoyable the more legroom you have. Yes, you may blame it on
the child vomited down your back on your
last Trip From Hell, but think - how much legroom did you have? Not much, I'll
bet. The fact that people don't have babies vomiting down them in first class
because there is more legroom. No other reason. Legroom defines a
journey's pleasantness

basis for this observation is simple. My journey down to Devon
was miserable; the train was crowded, and as a result I was sitting in a bog-standard
'airline' seat, with the usual minimal legroom. This time, I was lucky enough
to get a seat (still airline, so no table, annoyingly) next to the 'priority
seat for disabled people'. Thus, extra legroom. The train is still very busy,
but my knees no longer touch the seat in front. I may even be able to use my
laptop without bending my wrist right back on itself. In short, I'm having a
much nicer time. Legroom: it's the way of the future.

the way, came across this in the paper: “Blog-standard (n): containing an
exceptional number of anecdotes about cats.”


Andrew C said...

I heard that airlines are going to charge extra for the door seats because they have more legroom!

Matt F said...

on some of the budget airlines it's possible to reserve the door seats but it does cost you extra, yeah. I'm way too cheap to pony up an extra £15 for that. Although now I come to think of it, the extra glee I get from the space might actually be worth it...