Friday, April 28, 2006

My career as a guinea pig (3) - two weeks down

This really sucks. Two weeks down, and I've felt terrible. This vast
number of pills that I'm taking (13 pills every morning, with another
six during the day) don't seem to be touching my UC at all. I spent
most of last week off work (too ill even to pester my Multiply buddies
- how bad is that?!), and although I've managed to get to work every
day this week, that's only by dint of not doing anything else and
getting really early nights.

So let's recap: the first day I popped the pills I was really
hyperactive - but after that, nuthin'. I had one day off towards the
end of the week. Then, at the beginning of the second week, I exhausted
myself by taking the train down to Devon (seven hours sitting still -
that's all it takes to lay me out, apparently), with the result that I
took another three days off work. Now I still feel run-down (in a very
literal, steamroller kind of way), I get horrendous trapped wind and
everything is very gurgly and liquid. This is exacerbated because my
fridge also gurgles, so we sit together in the kitchen and gurgle in

"Was that you, or me? Oh wait, I'm talking to a fridge."

So now, I've made it through an entire week of work, albeit by
stepping on eggshells the entire way. But the sorry truth is that I
can't do my job properly when I'm feeling this bad anyway - it's hard
being creative when your gut feels like someone put it through a
blender - so at the moment I'm just a very highly paid draughtsman.
which really, really sucks, because I hate that part
of my job at the best of times.

I don't want to drop out of the tests. I really want to help, if I can.
And even if I did, I still might have to tail off the dose slowly, so I
wouldn't be out of the woods yet.

All the same, I don't think I can take another fortnight like that. Let alone another two months.

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