Monday, June 12, 2006

Cutting a bit close to the bone - in a very funny way...

On Sunday I was having lunch with some friends I don't see very often,
when the subject got round to clever songs (via Flanders and Swann's
The Reluctant Cannibal, if you must know). And Archie leans over to me
and says, "there's these two doctors..."

Hello, I thought, this sounds familiar...

"..doing the most outrageous songs! They're brilliant! I'll show you their website when we get back."

"One of them wouldn't be called Adam, would he..." I said slowly. And
yes, indeed: it turns out I know these two. I did a couple of choir
tours with them when I was a student, and I can vouch for their
brilliance and musical ability. Listening to their songs now, though,
it's probably worth pointing out a couple of things: Adam is a shocking
misogynist (or I thought so, anyway), and they.. well, they don't hold
back with the lyrics. But they are brilliantly funny. They were up in
Edinburgh for the festival last year, and I only didn't see it because
I lost the venue. (I had a ticket and everything).

Check out their website - the Londoners amongst you will definitely, definitely enjoy the Underground Song...

1 comment:

Paul ◘ said...

Damn funny .. brilliant lyrics.