Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I want one of these (5) - DIY radio

Less is more, right? Right? But... how little can you get away with? This design from wouter Geense design studio explores that territory - it's a radio which comes in a basically unfinished state, and you can use whatever you want as an aerial, buttons, etc. - even down to drilling your own arrangement of holes for the speaker (spell out your name? Why not?). I think it looks deliciously idiosyncratic, and cool, and I want one. But at a deeper level, it seems to me to pose an interesting question. When my Dad was a kid, his radio was a mass of wires on a bit of board, with a crystal and an earpiece. It was totally do-it-yourself. This one has taken that to a different level, but is it less designed than a 'proper' shop one?

Ach, who cares.

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