Monday, August 07, 2006

Edinburgh Fringe Shows I have seen

I know there are one or two locals who occasionally read this, so I guess it might be useful information for somebody.

So far:

(sorry, just collecting my thoughts. It wouldn't surprise me to learn there is a show with that name; I haven't seen it, though)

Working backwards:

NewsRevue 2006: *** Satire in song - okay, I thought. One neat trick with some beards, and some decent stuff (John Prescott as the Churchill insurance dog). Not as good as last year, though, apparently.

Puppetry of the Penis:** interesting trick, dire script - probably works very well with a drunken Friday night audience, but not so good with a sleepy Sunday night one. Recommend buying the book rather than seeing the show. And yes, this is exactly what you think it is. When they told me it was projected on a big screen, I thought they meant in silhouette. They didn't.

Free & Easy Comedy at The Stand: *** A free show with two pretty good comedians busily saving their good stuff for the paying punters later on. Still pretty good, though; I've paid to see worse.

Geraldine Quinn: ***** I really enjoyed this. Fantastic voice, great songs. And the most amazing gurning I've ever seen, by a girl.

Andrew Maxwell: **** Excellent stuff. Drunken, tokin' wisdom.

A British Guide to Religion: ** Bleh. Too much like being lectured to by a couple of (overly rehearsed) students to really engage me.

...not bad for two days. Thanks to Jen for staying with me for the weekend and introducing me to random people, who introduced me to other random people, etc., etc.

Some more:

Tim Minchin: **** another Aussie comic. Similar sort of sense of humour to Geraldine Quinn, I thought, but with TOO FEW SONGS. Came away feeling slightly cheated.

Act Without Words I & II *** A nice little cultural break to hours of unremitting, relentless observational comedy. The set is fantastic. There are no words. Literally.

One set to Love*** My god. A tsunami of a script which the actors surf with aplomb. Humour on so many levels that none of them quite penetrate, and your sense of disbelief comes away feeling like a puppy who's just spent the day being yanked around by a hyperactive three year old. Enjoyed it, but needed a drink afterwards.

1 comment:

Matt F said...

Added three more.