Thursday, August 10, 2006

The penny/pound Engineer Competence Index

There's a saying: an engineer can make for a penny what any fool can
make for a pound.

I'd put myself at about 47p.

So, all you engineers: How 'bout you?



Matt Worldgineer said...

(Apparently I'm not allowed to see your picture)

Funny, I've always seen it as an engineer can make for $1k what any fool can buy for $0.01, but with tighter tolerances.

James Clarke said...

All I have is this 2 pound coin.

Peter Sealy said...

I guess that makes me the bad penny.

Barry Owen said...

I'm always open to change.

Tom Kimber said...

These engineers should try setting their prices a bit higher.

Matt F said...

Wuh? It's not very exciting, anyway, it's a spanner.

This must be something to do with the convoluted path I took to posting this: I emailed it to Livejournal, and then Multiply automatically fetches it and posts it here. This is all so, if I (ever) go on holiday, I can post to Multiply from my PDA via email. Why would I want to do that? Uh... erm... because I can?

Anyway. Images get separate privacy settings in Livejournal, so I must have set it wrong. You're not missing much, but I'm disappointed. Can you still not see it?

Matt Worldgineer said...

Still can't see it.

(edit) Now I can see it.

Matt F said...

Well, it wasn't important.

edit: Yay!