Is it a tent that rolls? Or a caravan that floats? I dunno, but the SNAIL SHELL SYSTEM (only available in capitals) tries to cover so many stools that it's inevitable it's going to fall between some of them. Personally, I'll be putting mine in the middle of a pond somewhere expensive, like Hyde Park.
Created by a group called N55, who seem to have shares in a firm making polyethylene stuff. Other interesting/loopy ideas include ROOMS (which are, um, rooms) and an unstable CHAIR. Crazy? Challenging? Inspired? I dunno, but for my money this is design as a political act, rather than a practical one.
...polyethylene's thermoforming, right?
very clever. I see these becoming very useful for some mobile occupations.
Cool, I'd like one or maybe two, then I could make a cart.
The toilet facilities, though...ew.
I'd be worried about campers mistaking it for a waste collection tank.
i'd worry about rolling it with a full toilet.
Barking isn't very upmarket. It is in Essex, after all.
As tanks go, this one looks like a sitting duck.
"Dude, Where's My Snail Shell?"
Crackers. Why I feel good about it, I don't know. Odd, I did notice some LAND at a SHOP.
I've heard that everyone who lives in Beckton is cose to Barking.
Insane in a wonderfully inventive way. I've actually run across this site before. You missed the pot seed planting rocket system and BARMOBILE (note: DO NOT mix up URINE and WATER).
Full list here.
It's definitely interesting. I can see something like this being handy if you chose to live a nomadic existence. It would be an interesting experiment to give a bunch of these to actual nomadic people and see what they do with them.
Croissant - I want one!
What a nightmare. I'm getting claustrophobic just looking at them.
Polar bears would love these. Crunchy outside, chewy centres.
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