Friday, October 20, 2006

WorldChanging: Tracking Hasan Elahi
...and today's weirdness comes from (wait for it) a performance artist! Y'know, I can't help feeling that the performance artist tribe is one whose relationship to Darwin is inextricable and yet somehow uncertain - are they hurrying evolution along, or living in defiance of it?


In any case, an encounter between the FBI and a performance artist can have only one outcome. Hasan Elahi has been obsessively documenting his life ever since he was stopped in Detroit airport and questioned (equally obsessively) by the FBI. Since then, he's been constantly providing himself with an alibi by hacking his cellphone to talk to a tracking bracelet he wears on his wrist, and uploading photos of everywhere he goes. Apparently he once spent four days in Singapore without leaving the airport and clearing customs, leaving a four-day 'hole' in his official traceability - while documenting every minute of it online.

(oh, and in case you were wondering about the picture, I was watching "Belleville rendezvous" last night - fantastic movie. One review I read complained of its crude anti-Americanism, but apart from the fact that all the Americans in it are enormously fat, they really don't seem to take much part in the story, so I think whoever that critic was, he/she was talking bollocks. I thought it was superb, anyway. I particularly loved the stretch 2CV limos).

1 comment:

Tycho Clendenny said...

This could also be useful for the elderly--no more worrying if granny forgot to take her pills, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt she didn't try to smuggle Metamucil on a plane.