Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not bad - for a camera phone

Took the car at the weekend and headed North.Ended up in Dollar Glen - very pretty! Took these with my phone, but the yen for a digital SLR is strong now...


Ian Tindale said...

If you're interested, the new Nikon D40 should be out soon - not yet, but in a few weeks.

XXXX YYYY said...

Some beautiful photos.

Tom Kimber said...

Yep, very nice - I very much like the kissing trees.

XXXX YYYY said...

Wow, fab photos!

Andrew C said...


XXXX YYYY said...

this looks like the setting for a lovely fairy tale. Once upon a time a beautiful princess looked out of her castle window and sighed.
"When will he come", she wispered to the heath and bramble below. The moomintroll had promised, but was he trustworthy?

Matt F said...

Oh yeah. 100% reliable, me. Although 100% reliably half an hour late at all times, so time your cliffhanger carefully.

XXXX YYYY said...

A half hour later the sun began to sink over the horizon. A grey mist of sadness filled the princess's room.
"I shall be stuck here forever" she moaned.

XXXX YYYY said...

When the moomintroll finally came that night, the princess was fast asleep. When he saw her he knew he could not stay with her nor rescue her from the castle tower. He was so ashamed for his folly. As a reminder of his promise of love and companionship he left her two trees in her garden- The kissing trees, who forever would be entwined in each other's leafy arms.
To this day the trees stand as a memento of his broken promise and all who see them sigh for the love they could never have. The End

Matt F said...

Aw, that's a sad story.

Actually, the moomintroll was late because he'd been trying to find somewhere to hire a high-rise fork lift truck. Having secured such a vehicle, he was able to rescue the princess from the tower with ease, complete with bed (and quite a lot of the curtains, too), without waking her. When next she awoke she was resting in an orchard on the moomintroll's estate, surrounded by fluttering blossom and bunny rabbits who stared at her astonishing beauty.

Unfortunately, the moomintroll had backed into a couple of trees while reversing said forklift, and thereafter they were known as the 'kissing trees' because he'd 'kissed' them with the back of the truck. Although to be fair it was more of a 'Glasgow Kiss'...

XXXX YYYY said...

Oh Moom, as usual you have lit a fire under my darker side. I shall go off to the grocery and ponder the metaphor herewith.