Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hanging about at the interface -

It's my humble opinion that there is a strong overlap between science fiction and design - especially between sf graphical work and vehicle design. This is maybe because vehicle design is one of the most purely graphical design fields, or maybe because our vehicle purchases - especially our cars - have become so heavily loaded with meaning, or maybe because our vehicles (again, especially cars) come with that idea of 'props for living in the future' built in to them... or maybe it's simply because there's a big graphic design community and only so much inspiration going around... anyway, with all that in mind, here's a website devoted to science fiction representations of vehicles. It calls itself 'Concept Ships'.Go look at it, because someday they will be your ride. Or at least your ride will be trying to look like one of 'em.


Michael * said...

Cool. But I'll be very surprised if any of those are parked in my garage in MY lifetime.

Doctor Curry said...

Wonderful find!