Wednesday, September 10, 2008


View out across Charles Bridge

No doubt I will get in massive trouble with Summer Girl for including none of her favourites from the four hundred or so photos we took in the week we were in Prague, but here's a sample, more or less chosen at random.


Randy Gilbert said...

Protect the BigMacs at all costs.

Doctor Curry said...

I want one!

xandra m said...

wow, ominous statue!

Lloyd . said...


Tom - said...

Now that's an early Easter Bunny.

Matt F said...

It's one of a pair which welcome you into the palace in the castle. The other one is of some dude beating some other dude to death with a club. Friendly, no?

Peter S said...

Were there any defenestrations whilst you were there?

charl * said...

They are all quite nice. I am especially taken with this one. What are some of your favorite memories of the trip?

Matt F said...

Lying on a hospital gurney while some smiling nurse who spoke no English inflated a big plastic sack with carbon dioxide around my lower half, but that's another story.

Um, to be honest, I was pretty unwell for the whole holiday, so my memories of Prague are all tinged with either the worry of having to find somewhere to rest soon, or the relief of sitting down somewhere. There were good moments, though - mostly to do with mealtimes, when I guess I was sitting down already! Sitting having an unhurried iced coffee in the cafe of the House of the Black Madonna, feeling like nobody would be bothered if you stayed there all day; feeling the cool breath of the river as you came out onto the bridge, and seeing Prague open up around you; and watching evening fall over Prague from the steps of the castle. That was really good.

cyana wonfor said...

How about the train journey, with the big, wide open windows and little compartments on the way to the country. Or playing around with the camera in the mirror maze and seeing how many times we could get in the photos. What about sitting in the park on the last evening. Sitting out in the little courtyard at the apartment and reading in the mornings, with it warm enough just to wear thin pyjamas despite the fact the neighbours could see in. Randomly running into the changing of the guard at the castle, without even realising it was going to happen. Many iced coffees and ice creams in both places (mmm, sesame!). Walking out of the apartment each day to blue skies and glorious sunshine. Going to an exhibition of amazing chinese ink paintings despite being in Prague and wondering if we should do something more Czech. Learning all about the Prague Spring and lots of other history at the senate. I'm sure I could do more if I wasn't in a rush to get to my bed, plus a couple of others that will remain private ;) Hopefully with time you'll only remember the good stuff. x

charl * said...

It sounds like a lovely time except for the illness. I hope you are feeling much better now. Great photos.

Francis Foyle said...

love it ...who is the scuptor?

Francis Foyle said...

Brancusi would be sueing! Is that how you spell it?

Francis Foyle said...

whats that little doin' up there?

Peter S said...

Sony Bravia?

Matt F said...

The sculptor is one David Czerny, whose work is to be found all over Prague. This is merely his biggest. We devoted the entire last day of our holiday to Czerny-sculpture-spotting!

The peeing men are also one of his. They are computer controlled and apparently, over time, spell out literary quotations (or your own text messages, if you know the number) with their wee. I tried doing some sort of long-exposure photos of this, but there was too much light, and too little time - they take about ten seconds to do a letter!

Matt F said...

Only if it's this big...