Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My career as a guinea pig (2) - day 1

I've had quite an afternoon. While I was working on some design stuff
at work (which has been going very well - I think I've got more done
this afternoon than in the whole of last week), I jotted down a little
list of T-shirt slogans. Then, it occurred to me that my usual abstract
linear doodles would be interesting as stained glass, so I doodled with
that idea for a bit, trying to work out a way in which stained glass
could be made with bits of lead suspended in it (answer: it can't..
well, it can, but not without it no longer being stained glass. I think). Then I
decided that some of the simpler ones might make interesting two-colour mosaic
tiles... but I got bored with that pretty quickly.

But I was impressed. That's quite a run of creativity for a Wednesday
afternoon! And doing good work at the same time! Normally by this time I'd have had a sh1t day and be
thinking tiredly about going home, microwaving a ready-meal and
crawling into bed. But instead, I actually caught myself thinking, "The
flat could do with a bit of a tidy-up when I get back." Blimey! I
thought. What's going on?

And then I remembered. Today is Day 1 of Matt On Steroids. Oh yeah.

I'm guessing this probably means I'm taking Prednisolone rather than the newer, more targeted one. Hey ho.


Peter Sealy said...

Is this the same clinical test as the one where all those people on the drug being tested nearly died?

Matt F said...

If it is, then I want you to know, I'm leaving all my worldly goods to the South Mimms Home for Bewildered Llamas.

TARA W said...

Congrats on your welcoming burst of energy and creativity! Don't you love that? I hope the meds continue to make you feel better so that you have more of those moments. They can brighten one's day!

Matt Worldgineer said...

I think it's a bit sad that drugs for non-medical purposes are so taboo in general. In a paralell dimension I'd pop a few creativity pills for design ideas, then go a few days on stimulants for engineering calculations, then perhaps a drugless day to make sure what I've done makes sense.

Paul ◘ said...

Watch your sleep (steroids produce a "transparency of the eyelids") and eschew concentrated sweets for a while. Eat small portions, eat full and balanced meals. Don't self-medicate minor complaints and don't over-report insignificant burps and hot flashes. Trade off a "burst of creativity" for a walk down the street to the convenience store for a bag of nuts. You'll thank me later.

Andrew C said...

(I'd put it down to tomorrows full moon, not the pills)

XXXX YYYY said...

After you're done tidying up your place, mind coming and tidying up mine? Nothing major, just hanging up a small mountain of clothes, putting away some books, vacuuming...