Wuh? It's not very exciting, anyway, it's a spanner.
This must be something to do with the convoluted path I took to posting this: I emailed it to Livejournal, and then Multiply automatically fetches it and posts it here. This is all so, if I (ever) go on holiday, I can post to Multiply from my PDA via email. Why would I want to do that? Uh... erm... because I can?
Anyway. Images get separate privacy settings in Livejournal, so I must have set it wrong. You're not missing much, but I'm disappointed. Can you still not see it?
(Apparently I'm not allowed to see your picture)
Funny, I've always seen it as an engineer can make for $1k what any fool can buy for $0.01, but with tighter tolerances.
All I have is this 2 pound coin.
I guess that makes me the bad penny.
I'm always open to change.
These engineers should try setting their prices a bit higher.
Wuh? It's not very exciting, anyway, it's a spanner.
This must be something to do with the convoluted path I took to posting this: I emailed it to Livejournal, and then Multiply automatically fetches it and posts it here. This is all so, if I (ever) go on holiday, I can post to Multiply from my PDA via email. Why would I want to do that? Uh... erm... because I can?
Anyway. Images get separate privacy settings in Livejournal, so I must have set it wrong. You're not missing much, but I'm disappointed. Can you still not see it?
Still can't see it.
(edit) Now I can see it.
Well, it wasn't important.
edit: Yay!
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