Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Guardian: Tortured Canadian wins battle for truth


The Mounties shed their fluffy image, and turn out to be complete bastards.

(For those who aren't going to read the story, the guy wasn't actually tortured by the Mounties - they just lied about him to the Americans, who arrested him and turned him over to the Syrians who beat the crap out of him for 10 months. The RCMP have now apologized.)



XXXX YYYY said...

Nothing new about this,

Matt F said...

...or about the use of full stops at the end of sentences.

First I'd heard of it, that's all. Sorry to have wasted your time.

Calum Fisher said...

The Mounties probably had it in for him for leaving Canada without first donning an item of clothing bearing either the word "Canada" or a big maple leaf motif.

Matt F said...

Yeah, that's a law.

XXXX YYYY said...

Don't let those cutsie uniforms fool you. These folks don't spend all day rescuing Nell from Snidely Whiplash. The RCMP is the federal police force in Canada. A lot of what they do would, in the US, be covered by the CIA, FBI and DEA. They actually have quite a bit of power and there have been incidents of abuse of that power.

XXXX YYYY said...

Sorry, eye infection means I can't see very well right now. The antibiotics seem to be winning,

their competitor said...

The thing that I find most amazing in this whole episode, is how unlucky this guy is. Can you imagine, to be the only Arab that's beaten and tortured in a Syrian jail? I heard they were about to bulldoze those buildings for disuse, until this guy arrived.

Peter Sealy said...

Consider how you would feel if it happened to you - we sent you back to Israel with a PLO label on you?

I am disgusted that the US participates in torturing anybody, whatever their alleged inclinations, and whoever does it on our behalf. We are a civilized country, with a constitution that bans such abominable behavior. Likewise Canada and Britain.

Nothing changed with Spetember 11.

Paul ◘ said...

Je n'accuse pas -- but if that guy was a good Arab, is there a chance he got tortured at all?

their competitor said...

Peter, what happened to him is beyond horror, and an excellent and precise reason for limitations on government power, regardless of citizenship status.

Chris G said...

bounty hunters

Andrew C said...

Oh, those ever helpful Canadians... I was just reading an article (http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=2326067) that the Russians often have problems when ordering stuff from around the World to Russia - Often, as soon as the word Russia appears on a postal address, it doesn't get sent/the order falls through ... Well it seems that their trick is to put a address like: (Terrible example)
1 Kremlin House

Those terribly helpful Canadians simply replace "Canada" with "Russia" and forward it on.