Thursday, October 12, 2006

Photography: Thomas Weinberger


Just come across these photos from Thomas Weinberger. His subject matter might seem grim, but the results are almost luminescent, as if Heaven were an abandoned industrial site. Pesumably it's done with heavy dodging (is that right?), or some cunning overexposure - whatever, the result is certainly unusual.


charl * said...

I'm not quite sure if I like it or not, to be honest. That is rare. Usually, at a glance, one formulates an opinion then further studies before reaching a conclusion. It does sort of have an ethereal feel.

Calum Fisher said...

Oh, they're pretty!

Peter Sealy said...

Wow - very interesting! I've always exposes my night shots to make them look dark, and consdered ones that look like daylight failures. But that's a fascinating effect, and often quite beautiful. Ethereal, like wot Charl said.

They're also somewhat reminiscent of another German photographer, Andreas Gursky, who makes very large prints of his subjects. His landscapes tend to run to the industrial too.

TARA W said...

That first three or four photos creeped me out for some reason...maybe it was because of the bridge and everything looked so crowded. But I like the photo titled "Zone 30" for the contrast.

Paul ◘ said...

Reminds me of the documentary about animal vision; specifically, the shots enhanced to replicate noctural animals' acute sight in dimly-lit environments. Sort of a hightened perspective into the near infrared.

Not Mark Flynn said...

It's funny. He manages to make every place he photographs look like it's dead. No people, no movement, and white everywhere.

Matt F said...

For some reason, I imagined it as being like HEaven on the day of Armageddon, when everyone's gone down to Earth for the final battle and Heaven is deserted.

Ooo! It's Genius - Calum, is this your episode?

k_sra sra said...

Wow. I am impressed.

Calum Fisher said...

Erm yes, yes it was. Sorry about the time lag...

Matt F said...

I heard you! You was robbed.

charl * said...

He was brilliant, was he not?